Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to 6 Little Hands, the creators of CircleSoapTM!

Our Mission:

To show the love of Jesus Christ by serving others in our communities and our world.

Our Story:

Our son, Carter, has always had a heart for helping others, especially the homeless. He is constantly coming up with ways to help serve others, but CircleSoapTM was quite by accident. One day, he was making a hole in one of the bars of soap, and mom of course instinctively responded "Stop ruining the soap"! A couple of days later, mom noticed that Carter's younger sisters could easily hold the soap, had fun using it, and most importantly to busy moms and dads - they could DO IT THEMSELVES! Thus was born, CircleSoapTM.

Our Products:

Handmade soaps, made especially for little hands. These soaps are about 1/2 the size of normal bars of soap, with the patent-pending hole or "circle" in the middle of most bars. We have chicks/ducks, trains, purses, soccer balls, flip-flops, etc. AND we're open to taking custom orders if you think of a shape that we don't currently carry.

The advantages of CircleSoapTM:

  • Kids lOVE em!
  • They promote INDEPENDENT, personal hygiene for toddlers and smaller children!
  • They look fun and smell good!
  • Great for those "add-on" gifts or by themselves!

Know of someone in need?

We would love to use this blog site as a way to communicate what we are doing with the earning from CircleSoapTM. We would really love to hear your thoughts on our products - good and bad. But we'd also like you to contact us if you know of a person or family that could just really use some help, whether its gas money, grocery money, a new stove, etc.

Your purchases will help us help others. Thank you in advance!!

1 comment:

  1. Many of you have asked if you can purchase CircleSoap online. We are working hard to go "live" on in the near future. This is a site for handmade products only, and an inexpensive way to get on the web. So look for us soon! Thanks for all your support and help in getting the word out!
